Washington (June 26, 2014) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement today after the Supreme Court struck down a buffer zone law around abortion clinics, ruling a Massachusetts law unconstitutionally limits speech. In 1994, a gunman killed two people and wounded five others at two abortion clinics in Massachusetts.  In the past ten years, there have been approximately 75,000 incidents of violence against abortion providers in the United States. 

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling puts women at risk simply for exercising their constitutional rights.  The Court’s decision makes it more difficult for states to guarantee women’s reproductive rights and more likely that acts of violence and intimidation against women seeking reproductive health care will occur. With reproductive rights under attack across the country like never before, it is imperative that we ensure the basic safety of all women and staff at Planned Parenthood and other health facilities. We should be expanding access to safe reproductive health care for women, not restricting it in any way. I stand with Planned Parenthood and all women in Massachusetts and this country who believe every woman seeking reproductive health care should be safe and protected. I urge Attorney General Coakley and all Massachusetts law enforcement officials to continue to use every legal tool available to ensure the safety and privacy of women and clinic staff.”