Report rebuts Republican attacks on Clean Power Plan, Obama climate vision


WASHINGTON (March 12, 2015) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) today praised Secretary Ernest Moniz and the Department of Energy for their vital report on the future of wind energy in America. Senator Markey said the report shows America can aggressively and affordably shift away from fossil fuels towards clean energy to cut carbon pollution that causes climate change. The report, “Wind Vision”, says that moving to generate 20 percent of America’s electricity by 2030 and 35 percent by 2035 would deliver more than half a billion dollars in benefits from pollution reductions, and lead to long-term cost savings and better fuel diversity to insulate consumers from fossil fuel price shocks.


Below is the statement of Senator Markey:


“Instead of the doom and gloom we hear from clean energy opponents about climate solutions, this report says we should look to the wind and the future to see what the real opportunities are. I commend Secretary Moniz and the Department of Energy for bringing optimism and an American can-do attitude back into the energy debate.


“Yesterday, the Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing to attack President Obama’s move to reduce carbon emissions in our electricity sector. The reality is this: fossil fuel companies are running scared because wind and solar and other clean energy sources are being developed and installed faster than they ever imagined.


“America built nearly 7,000 MW of solar last year and roughly 4,800 MW of wind. Solar energy is expected to double over the next two years. The same spring winds and sunlight that are thawing a frozen country can power a new generation of energy jobs.”


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