Washington (June 8, 2015) – Today in Germany, leaders of the G7 nations underscored their determination to negotiate an international climate change agreement in Paris at the end of the year. Earlier this year, the United States joined the European Union, Norway, Switzerland and Mexico in announcing their intended contributions. The U.S. target is a 26-28 percent reduction in carbon pollution below 2005 levels by 2025. And last year, the U.S. and China, the world’s two largest emitters of carbon pollution, jointly announced the targets they would propose for Paris as well as a number of other collaborative initiatives to help address climate change.


Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), co-chair of the Senate Climate Change Clearinghouse, released the following statement about the announcement:


“This commitment from the G7 nations sets the stage for an historic agreement that involves all countries taking action to avoid the most dire consequences of global warming. The world’s main players are stepping up to do their fair share in an international agreement to cut the pollution that is endangering our people and planet.


“Clean energy and energy efficiency technologies will be at the heart of meeting these emissions goals, and this where America can lead by creating jobs here at home and new markets around the world, while protecting some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable nations. When America invests in the kind of environmental and economic stewardship that is needed to address global climate change, the world will follow.”

