Washington (June 4, 2015) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), co-author of the only comprehensive climate bill to ever pass a chamber of Congress, released the following statement after publication of a new study by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) \ that indicates global warming has not slowed over the past 15 years.

“Not only is our planet warming, but it’s doing so at a faster rate than originally understood,” said Senator Markey, co-chair of the Senate Climate Clearinghouse. “In the 21st century, we can calculate the rise of our planet’s temperature but not the madness of climate deniers. When the science of climate change is denied, a safe, healthy, clean future is denied for our children and all future generations. Armed with science and an ambitious and achievable target, the United States can help lead the world as we work to reach an agreement in Paris to solve this generational challenge of global warming.”