Lawmaker is author of the first net neutrality bill introduced in the House of Representatives


Washington (February 4, 2015) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, today released the following statement after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced draft net neutrality rules that would reclassify broadband Internet access under Title II of the Communications Act.


“Today is an historic day – historic for consumers, innovators, entrepreneurs – for anyone who counts on the Internet to connect to the world.  These rules are a Declaration of Independence for the Internet. 


“By applying Title II to broadband, the FCC is ensuring that there will be no Internet fast and slow lanes created by the big broadband barons. That access to communications services will be available for all Americans, including rural residents, seniors, and those who are deaf, blind or disabled. That consumer privacy is protected. That we expand consumer choice and promote Darwinian paranoia-inducing competition in the marketplace.  Reclassifying broadband under Title II is a major victory for consumers, for our economy, and for democracy.


“I look forward to working with the Commission over the next three weeks to make sure we get this right before the FCC votes on February 26.”


In July 2013, Senator Markey and 12 Senate Democrats called on the FCC to protect the openness and freedom of the Internet by reclassifying broadband Internet access as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act. In December 2013, Senator Markey was joined by 38 Senate and House Democrats in calling on the FCC to protect an open and free Internet by immediately finalizing new net neutrality rules.