Contact: Eben Burnham-Snyder, Rep. Ed Markey, 202-225-2836

Congressman Voted Against DOMA in 1996, Dedicated to Ongoing Fight for Marriage Equality in America

WASHINGTON (June 26, 2013) – Congressman and Senator-elect Ed Markey (D-Mass.) today hailed the United States Supreme Court’s decision to declare the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, and to pave the way for allowing same-sex marriage in California. Rep. Markey voted against DOMA in 1996.

“Today, the Supreme Court has rightly stood with the millions of voices across the nation calling for marriage equality. The fight to protect the freedom to marry the people we love is not over in America, but this is a huge battle won. Today is a day when freedom rings for those who wish to exchange rings," said Rep. Markey.

“The Court’s decision confirms what we have long known, that all Americans have the right to pursue happiness by marrying the person they love. I was proud to have voted against DOMA in 1996, and it is time we finally close this chapter of discrimination," concluded Rep. Markey.

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