WASHINGTON (January 30, 2014) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), who served with Rep. Henry Waxman for 36 years, today praised him as the ultimate legislator and an extraordinary leader after he announced he would retire at the end of this term. Senator Markey and Rep. Waxman partnered on countless initiatives in the Energy and Commerce Committee to protect the environment, consumers, and public health, including the landmark Waxman-Markey legislation, the only bill to combat global warming to ever pass a chamber of Congress.

Below is the statement of Senator Markey:

“Henry Waxman is a legendary leader and a public policy powerhouse who will go down in history as one of the greatest legislators in the history of the United States Congress. Henry is fearless and fair, a phenomenal fighter for consumers across our country. I am proud to call him my friend for four decades.

“Whether it’s protecting Americans from the dangers of smoking, reforming our health care system, or fighting the fossil fuel interests preventing action on climate change, Henry Waxman always takes on the big fights and wins.

“When we partnered on the Waxman-Markey climate change bill that passed the House in 2009, I saw what the world saw -- a master legislator who is driven by his deep passion for the issues and the people he represents.

“I am forever grateful for the time we worked together, and for his friendship.

“We wish Henry and his wife Janet the very best for the next stage in their lives together.”