Joins in Congressional walkout in opposition to vote
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey released the following statement on the Republican resolution recommending that the House of Representatives find U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. in contempt of Congress.
Even after the Justice Department released thousands of pages of documents in response to the Committee’s requests and Attorney General Holder testified before Congress on nine separate occasions, Republicans refuse to take ‘yes’ for an answer. Republicans claim stonewalling, but seem less interested in seeking the truth than in scoring political points.  Republicans on the Committee refused all Democratic requests for witnesses and hearings, as well as requests to interview Bush Administration appointees with knowledge of the program. Attorney General Holder has demonstrated that he was not aware of the operation and has willingly and cooperatively worked with Congress on this investigation.
We must get to the bottom of the circumstances that led to the tragic killing of a courageous border agent in the line of duty.  Unfortunately, this unprecedented, ill-conceived contempt resolution will not move this effort forward one inch.”