Lawmaker commends Obama administration commitment to industrial energy efficiency

Washington, DC (August 30, 2012) ­ Today, President Obama signed an Executive Order that will boost industrial energy efficiency and bolster U.S. manufacturing competitiveness. Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), the top Democrat on the Natural Resources Committee and senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement:

"From protecting American companies from predatory foreign trade practices, to helping companies lower costs through better technology and increased energy efficiency, the Obama administration has worked tirelessly to strengthen American manufacturing," said Rep. Markey. "The 500,000 new manufacturing jobs created since 2010 are proof positive. While many Republican leaders seem to have make a career of outsourcing American jobs, President Obama is ensuring long-term economic security by in-sourcing American jobs through smart, strategic investments."

For many manufacturers, fuel can surpass labor as the largest cost of producing goods. The investments announced today by the Obama administration could lower energy costs for American manufacturers by more than $100 billion over the next decade.

"Today's announcement by the Obama administration stands in stark contrast to the Republican position that energy efficiency technologies play no real role in our nation's energy agenda," said Rep. Markey. "The Republicans' "Oil Above All" plan that we've seen play out in Congress over the last two years may enrich oil companies, but it will do nothing to help American factories and workers stay a step ahead of the Chinese and other global competitors. We can't compete with China on labor costs, but with the best technology and the most efficient operations, we can help level the playing field for American manufacturing."
