Washington (March 31, 2023) - Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) joined Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i), who led a group of 22 senators, in introducing a resolution to recognize the achievements and courage of the transgender community around the world, and to celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility.

“Trans and nonbinary people in our country deserve to live as their authentic selves, free from violence, discrimination and harassment,” said Senator Markey. “At a time when trans rights are under attack by state legislatures across the country, Congress must reaffirm our commitment to protecting fundamental human rights and ensuring the safety, security, and equal opportunity of trans people. We must uphold that commitment today, on International Trans Day of Visibility, and every day.”

“International Transgender Day of Visibility is about celebrating the transgender community around the world – their achievements, their courage, and their right to live authentically and openly. But it is also about raising awareness of the discrimination and violence they still face today. While we have made progress over the years – thanks to the bravery of many transgender leaders – the work for full equality, acceptance, and civil rights protections continues,” said Senator Schatz.

“The transgender community continues to face discrimination, violence, and harassment simply based on who they are,” said Senator Booker. “We must stand up to the politics of fear and protect people of all gender identities. That is why I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing the resolution celebrating International Transgender Day of Visibility to recognize the courage and achievements of transgender people across our nation and around the world.”

“At a time when our trans community is under attack, International Transgender Day of Visibility is an important time to send a clear message: I see you, I am with you, and I stand with the trans community to celebrate the courage and dignity of living life as who you are. I’m proud to join my colleagues on this resolution and continue our work to creating a future where all Americans have the freedom of full equality,” said Senator Baldwin.

“Every trans individual deserves the freedom to live their truth with dignity and respect,” said Senator Cortez Masto. “I’m proud to join my colleagues to recognize Trans Day of Visibility and make it clear that we will stand up to support equality and fight discrimination.”

“Today, on International Transgender Day of Visibility, we celebrate the bravery, resilience, and contributions of the transgender community in the U.S. and across the world,” said Senator Hirono. “Despite the progress we’ve made towards equality, trans people—particularly trans people of color—still face violence, bigotry, and discrimination. No one should have to live in fear simply for existing as their authentic self. At a time when many Republicans are cruelly working to villainize trans and non-binary people, I will continue fighting to advance justice for the LGBTQ+ community and help ensure all people—regardless of gender identity— can live freely with dignity and respect.”

“Across the country, trans people are facing reprehensible attacks on their humanity and dignity. It’s on all of us to stand with the trans community -- not just on International Transgender Day of Visibility, but every day – and to fight for a safer, more just country for all,” said Senator Bennet.

“The International Transgender Day Of Visibility acknowledges and celebrates the courage it takes for transgender and non-binary people to live life as their true, authentic selves. I stand with the trans community and will fight for laws that combat the discrimination and violence they face,” said Senator Blumenthal.

“Trans people deserve to be loved, supported, and safe in their communities. Far too often, that simply isn’t the case, and the trans community has faced serious threats to their safety and attacks on their civil liberties from the right. I support the resolution in celebration of International Transgender Day of Visibility, and I stand in solidarity with trans folks in Vermont and across the country as we strive for equality,” said Senator Welch.

“On Transgender Day of Visibility, I’m proud to help introduce this resolution to celebrate and honor the transgender community,” said Senator Rosen. “At this time of increasing hateful attacks, it’s important that we send a strong message that we stand firmly with the transgender community and against anti-trans violence, bigotry, and discrimination.”

“As we see an alarming rise in attacks on transgender and non-binary Americans, this year’s International Transgender Day of Visibility is more important than ever,” said Senator Padilla. “We must continue to push back against discrimination and attacks against the trans community, and celebrate their contributions to the story of America.”

“On this International Transgender Day of Visibility and always, we celebrate the resilience of transgender, nonbinary and gender nonconforming Americans and their basic right to be their most authentic selves without fear, shame or discrimination,” said Senator Duckworth. “As the transgender community continues to endure horrific, targeted violence and with a wave of anti-transgender bills being proposed in states across the country, I’m proud to join Senator Schatz and my colleagues to introduce this resolution to commemorate Transgender Day of Visibility and send a strong, unified message to our fellow Americans: we see you, we hear you and we will never stop working to advance true equality for all of us.”

“As we celebrate the lives, perseverance and contributions of the trans and non-binary community in Oregon and nationwide, we must all remain committed to work toward a more equitable world where all people can be their true selves,” said Senator Wyden. “I will keep fighting in the Senate to ensure transgender and non-binary youth, veterans, and people have the gender-affirming care and treatment they seek—as well as the workplace, healthcare and civil rights protections they deserve.”

In addition to Senator Markey, Senator Schatz’s resolution is cosponsored by Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Tom Carper (D-Del.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawai‘i), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), John Fetterman (D-Pa.), and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.).

The resolution is supported by the National Center for Transgender Equality, PFLAG National, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Human Rights Campaign, Trevor Project, GLSEN, GLAAD, Center for American Progress, and LGBTQ+ Victory Institute.

A similar resolution was introduced in the House of Representatives by Representative Sara Jacobs (CA-51.).

Representative Jacobs, co-chair of the Transgender Equality Task Force, said, “I’m so proud to be the sister of a trans brother and a gender non-conforming sibling – and grateful to have watched my siblings grow happier and healthier because they can be their authentic selves. But the rise of anti-trans rhetoric, policies, and violence here at home and around the world seeks to deny their existence and strip them of dignity. That’s why I’m so proud to join Senator Schatz to recognize International Transgender Day of Visibility and stand with trans communities everywhere. We see you, we hear you, and you are perfect just the way you are. We will never stop fighting for you.”

The full text of Schatz’s resolution is available here.
