Lawmakers’ Letter Supports Governor Healey’s Appeal of FEMA’s Denial After Catastrophic September 2023 Flooding in Bristol, Hampden, and Worcester Counties

Text of Letter (PDF)

Washington (March 27, 2024) - Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Representatives Richard Neal (D-Mass.), Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), Lori Trahan (D-Mass.), and Jake Auchincloss (D-Mass.) sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 1 Regional Administrator Lori Ehrlich, writing in support of Governor Maura Healey’s formal appeal asking  FEMA to reconsider its decision to deny a major disaster declaration and deliver the aid that Massachusetts communities need after suffering catastrophic flooding in September 2023. 

“We write in support of Governor Healey’s formal appeal of Massachusetts’ major disaster declaration request denial, submitted on March 11, 2024 under the provisions of Section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. The major disaster declaration request was made in response to the catastrophic flooding in Bristol, Hampden, and Worcester Counties after historic rainfall in September 2023. We urge you to carefully consider the Commonwealth’s formal appeal and help us deliver the aid that our residents desperately need,” wrote the lawmakers. 

The lawmakers expressed appreciation for FEMA’s partnership with lawmakers, first responders, and state and local officials in response to this disaster. 

“Recognizing that the flooding has strained finances, time, and resources for some of our most vulnerable communities in Massachusetts, we echo the Governor’s interest in appealing certain identified costs that FEMA excluded from its initial assessment of Massachusetts’ request,” continued the lawmakers

“As climate change continues to bring unprecedented weather changes, we believe it is imperative that communities see strong partnership among federal, state, and local governments to deliver when residents need it most. Therefore, we strongly support Governor Healey’s formal appeal and respectfully ask you to reconsider FEMA’s decision. On behalf of the communities affected, we thank you for your attention to this matter,” concluded the lawmakers.  
