Will helm International Development Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over international energy security and environmental and climate protection


WASHINGTON (July 29, 2013) - Senator Edward J. Markey (DMass.) has been named Chairman of the Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, International Environmental Protection, and Peace Corps. The subcommittee's responsibilities include matters related to international energy security and international environmental protection, including international climate change issues, the oceans and space. The subcommittee has general oversight of U.S. development policy and foreign assistance programs and also has responsibility for oversight of international monetary policy, U.S. foreign economic policy, and international investment, protection of intellectual property, and technological transfer. Finally, the subcommittee is responsible for oversight of the Peace Corps.


"There are great challenges facing our planet - regional instability and poverty, climate change, and the threat of nuclear proliferation. The U.S. can and must play a leadership role on these issues, and we must do so with foreign policy objectives that are consistent with our values of democracy, respect for human rights, and selfdetermination. As a nation, we have a responsibility to use the tools of smart power - economic development, innovation, education and health care - to protect our vital interests and to persuade others to join us in advancing shared goals that ensure peace, freedom and shared prosperity across the globe. And in areas such as climate change, intellectual property and others, I will work to ensure that the interests of Massachusetts are protected, as well. I thank Majority Leader Reid for the opportunity to serve on the Foreign Relations Committee and Chairman Menendez for the opportunity to serve as chairman of this subcommittee. I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues on helping to shape America's foreign policy."


In addition to chairing the International Development subcommittee, Senator Markey will also serve on the European Affairs, and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs subcommittees.