Lawmaker introduced ‘Do Not Track Kids’ Act, bipartisan, bicameral legislation to provide new tools for parents, privacy safeguards for kids online
Washington (December 13, 2013) – a member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, released the following statement after the Center for Law and Information Policy at Fordham Law School issued a new report revealing major deficiencies in privacy protections as public schools increasingly use third-party cloud-computing services to manage student data. The report highlights an alarming lack of parental notification by cloud service vendors and contracts, as well as a lack of overall privacy policies governing the use of cloud services in schools. The information shared with private companies may vary from information such as grades, test scores, and attendance records, to other data such as disabilities, family relationships, and disciplinary data. In October, Senator Markey queried the Department of Education (DOE) about the increased collection and distribution of student data, including the growing trend of school districts around the country outsourcing data storage functions to private companies.  
“Students’ ‘permanent record’ now may be accessed by a constellation of contractors without parents’ knowledge or permission,” said Senator Markey. “This new report reveals a troubling lack of transparency and disclosure surrounding the sharing of students’ sensitive information. Most alarmingly, there also appears to be a clear lack of parental access and power to correct the student data that is held by outside companies. With more sensitive data streaming into the hands of private companies, parents have the right to know what is happening with their children’s sensitive information and have the ability to control its use and disclosure. I look forward to the Education Department’s response to my inquiry in this area so that we can better understand current practices and develop the policies needed to empower parents in the safeguarding of their children’s information.”