Congressman Voted Against GOP Bill That Effectively Shuts Down Labor Dispute Resolution Agency

WASHINGTON (April 12, 2013) – Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) today decried the successful vote held by House Republicans to effectively shut down the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) tasked with resolving differences between labor and businesses. Under the House bill, the NLRB would not be allowed to issue new decisions, enforce previous decisions, nor move forward on rules to prevent or solve unfair labor practices or defend the right of employees to unionize and collectively bargain with employers.

“This Republican bill is a direct slap in the face to every single working man, woman, and middle class family in America. If we are going to grow our economy and our middle class, we need to make sure that working men and women are paid fair wages and have the right to organize,” said Rep. Markey. “House Republicans have now dropped all pretense of caring about the rights of workers. I stand with middle class families and hard-working Americans to defend the right to organize, bargain, and mediate disputes using the NLRB.”