Washington (June 2, 2023) – On National Gun Violence Awareness Day, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Gun Violence Prevention Caucus, announced a package of gun violence prevention bills that would significantly decrease the pervasive threat of gun violence across the United States by putting an end to the 3D printing and distribution of ghost guns, strengthening accountability measures for irresponsible gun dealers, helping banks detect and report suspicious activity related to mass shootings, and strengthening state-by-state gun-licensing regulations through federal incentives.

“We’ve had more mass shootings in 2023 than days in the year,” said Senator Markey. “Every day, gun violence in our schools and on our streets steals lives and rips families apart. We can’t keep living like this, and Americans can’t keep dying like this. Congress took an important step last year in passing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, but the evidence is overwhelmingly clear that it’s not enough. We have an obligation to pass commonsense solutions, like my gun safety package, so that not one more life is lost to this unnecessary, man-made public health crisis.”

“On Gun Violence Awareness Day, we remember those who have been lost to gun violence, offer comfort to their families and friends, and sound a call to action to eliminate the epidemic of gun violence plaguing our nation,” said Senator Bob Menendez. “Last summer, Congress passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first new federal gun safety law in almost 30 years. The new law created federal penalties for straw purchasing and firearms trafficking, enhanced background checks for purchasers under 21, and closed the boyfriend loophole by barring individuals convicted of domestic violence from purchasing a gun. Our efforts last Congress were an important first step, but it is critical that the Department of Justice fully implement and enforce the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. In New Jersey, we understand that background checks save lives – that’s why every gun sale – whether it is in a store, online, or at a gun show – should require a background check. Our work is not done, that is why I will continue to fight with my colleagues to ban assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and ghost guns. We must also hold irresponsible gun dealers accountable, work with U.S. banks to report suspicious financial activity that can help prevent gun trafficking, and incentivize states to adopt gun-licensing standards.”

“My own hometown of Parkland was shattered by gun violence when 17 innocent lives were taken at my alma mater, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. That’s why I’m deeply concerned about the increasing availability of ghost guns and their use in crimes around the country. Almost 90% of Americans agree that you should have to pass a background check to purchase a firearm, but ghost guns offer yet another way to circumvent the law and place guns in the hands of people who are unfit to have them. I’m proud to have worked with Senators Markey and Menendez on this bill, to put a stop to this emerging threat and prevent future tragedies like the one in my district,” said Representative Jared Moskowitz.

“With gun violence devastating families and communities across America, action is desperately needed. Massachusetts has implemented some key policies to reduce gun violence and the trauma that it brings and our work here continues,” said Representative Ayanna Pressley. “By incentivizing states to adopt comprehensive gun violence prevention laws, the MASS Act is an important step toward addressing this public health crisis. I am proud to lead on this effort with my colleagues to advance these life-saving solutions.”

“To mark Gun Violence Awareness Day, I’m introducing legislation with Senator Markey to crack down on gun dealers who illegally sell guns without backgrounds checks,” said Representative Seth Magaziner. “Gun dealers who illegally sell guns to people who shouldn’t have them are complicit in the epidemic of gun violence that is taking innocent lives across the country, and these bad actors deserve more than a slap on the wrist.”

Today, Senator Markey and his colleagues announced the reintroduction of four gun violence prevention bills, including:
  1. The 3D Printed Gun Safety Act, co-led with Senator Menendez (D-N.J.) and Representative Moskowitz (FL-23) in the House, to prohibit the online distribution of blueprints and instructions that would allow for the 3D printing of firearms, which contributes to the proliferation of “ghost guns.” 3D printing allows individuals to make unserialized firearms out of plastic, which can evade detection by metal detectors at security checkpoints. This increases security risks in public spaces and secured areas, and creates challenges for law enforcement. The legislation would make it illegal to distribute online digital files that could automatically program a 3D printer to produce or complete the manufacturing of a firearm. 
  2. The Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act, led by Representative Magaziner (RI-02) in the House, to strengthen accountability measures for irresponsible gun dealers violating the law, and provide the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) with additional resources for enforcement. This legislation echoes a call for action made by President Biden in 2021.
  3. The Gun Violence Prevention Through Financial Intelligence Act, led by Representative Madeleine Dean (PA-04) in the House, to require the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) within the Department of Treasury to provide guidance to U.S. banks to help them identify and report suspicious financial activity that could indicate that an individual is planning to commit a mass shooting. Federal law already requires banks to report suspicious activity relating to money laundering, fraud, or terrorist financing. Reports show that mass shooters have relied on credit cards—including the Aurora, Orlando, and Las Vegas shooters—to stockpile weapons.
  4. The Making America Safe and Secure (MASS) Act, led Representative Pressley (MA-07) in the House, to incentivize states to adopt gun-licensing standards similar to those proven effective in Massachusetts. Massachusetts has the lowest rate of gun violence per capita in the country, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data, and some of the most comprehensive gun licensing laws in the nation.
The gun violence prevention bills are endorsed by Brady, Giffords, March For Our Lives, and States United to Prevent Gun Violence.

“Gun violence is a complex and multifaceted issue plaguing our nation. Addressing this public health crisis requires a nuanced approach to targeting the many forms this epidemic takes. Preventing the proliferation of 3D printed firearms and holding gun dealers accountable is crucial to saving lives and protecting our communities. Brady is grateful to Senator Markey for introducing this vital package,” said Kris Brown, President of Brady.

“If we’re going to end the gun violence epidemic, we need to address it at its source—where they’re bought and sold,” said Zeenat Yahya, Director of Policy at March For Our Lives. “Dealers can give away guns like they’re candy with limited regulation and even less oversight, and it’s fueling gun violence across the country. Reckless dealers sit back and count their profits while guns sold in an irresponsible fashion terrorize our communities. Enough is enough. We’re proud to support this measure that would keep firearms out of dangerous hands and ensure gun dealers are held to the highest standard of responsibility.”

“We applaud Senator Markey's continued commitment to address our nation's gun violence epidemic with effective legislation in prevention. States United to Prevent Gun Violence supports the Senator's approach to introduce a multi-pronged Gun Safety package and hopes that both chambers will pass the bills,” said Sonya Y. Coleman, Board Chair of States United to Prevent Gun Violence.

In March, Senator Markey and Representatives Elissa Slotkin (MI-07), Mark Takano (CA-39), and Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) reintroduced legislation that would fund research at the CDC to better understand and address the United States’ ongoing gun violence epidemic, a public health crisis that has taken more than 180,000 lives across the nation. In May 2022, Senator Markey led his Senate colleagues in a letter to 28 shipping companies expressing concern over lax shipping security measures leading to firearm theft and making it easier for criminals to get their hands on lethal firearms. Also, in May 2022, Senator Markey led 10 Senate colleagues in a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) urging the agency to open an investigation into the marketing of lethal firearms, including assault-style rifles, to children.
