April 18, 2013 – Medford, MA - Representative Edward Markey (D-MA), Dean of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation, issued the following statement after the interfaith service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in the South End to honor the victims of the Boston Marathon terror attack.  Rep. Markey attended the service at the Cathedral.

“Today President Obama, Governor Patrick, Mayor Menino and our faith leaders comforted a grieving community with a moving message of hope and healing.  Their words remind all of us that out of the darkness of that horrific day, the light of love and kindness for each other will lead us to better days. This morning, the vibrant strands of our community came together as one, showing the world the unbreakable bond that unites all of us in the Commonwealth.

“We mourn for the victims and keep them in our thoughts and prayers.  We pray for the recovery of those who were injured.  We give thanks to the first responders and law enforcement at the scene, whose heroism saved lives and inspired our Commonwealth and our country.  We are grateful for the doctors, nurses and other emergency personnel who used every ounce of their medical ability to care for the victims.  The courage and bravery shown by so many on Monday was truly befitting of a Patriots Day in Massachusetts.

“Bostonians will recover, and the capital city in our great Commonwealth remains resilient.  As we heal, we are resolute. And we are determined that whoever committed this heinous terrorist act will be brought to justice.