Contact: Eben BurnhamSnyder (Markey) 2022242742

Giselle Barry (Markey) 2022242742

Lawmaker introduced legislation last month to strengthen privacy protections for commercial drone use


WASHINGTON (December 2, 2013) Senator Edward J. Markey (DMass.), a member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, released the following statement after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos predicted delivery of Amazon ?packages by unmanned aerial vehicles (otherwise known as drones) within the next few years while appearing on "60 Minutes". 


Last month, Senator Markey introduced S. 1639, the Drone Aircraft Privacy and Transparency Act, to require transparency in the use of domestic drones and privacy protections to ensure drones cannot be used to spy on Americans. The Federal Aviation Administration recently released a drone use "road map" that disregards the need for federal privacy protections for individuals as drones prepare to take flight in U.S. airspace. 


Below is the statement of Senator Markey:


"Before drones start delivering packages, we need the FAA to deliver privacy protections for the American public. Convenience should never trump constitutional protections.


"Before our skies teem with commercial drones, clear rules must be set that protect the privacy and safety of the public.


"My drone privacy legislation requires transparency on the domestic use of drones and adds privacy protections that ensure this technology cannot and will not be used to spy on Americans. I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues on this bipartisan issue to ensure that strong personal privacy protections and public transparency measures are put in place now."