Congressman last week petitioned FDA to ban BPA in many household products on grounds that manufacturers have already abandoned use of toxic chemical

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass), senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), released the following statement after the FDA rejected a 2008 petition from the Natural Resources Defense Council to ban bisphenol-A (BPA) in food-contact materials on the grounds of safety of the chemical. Researchers have found that BPA, which is used to harden plastics, leaches from containers into food and beverages and has been linked to a host of health problems, including cancer, reproductive dysfunction and heart disease.

Earlier this month, Rep. Markey sent three separate petitions to the FDA requesting the agency permanently remove regulatory approval for the use of BPA in infant formula and baby and toddler food packaging, small reusable household food and beverage containers, and canned food packaging on the grounds that manufacturers have stopped using BPA in these products due to consumer to demand.

For the past three Congresses, Rep. Markey has led the fight to ban BPA and ensure the safety of all food packaging by introducing the Ban Poisonous Additives Act.

Despite steps taken around the world to eliminate the use of this toxic chemical in food and beverage packaging, the FDA continues to ignore safety concerns and allow BPA in the household products American families use everyday,” said Rep. Markey. “Many manufacturers have already stopped using BPA in their products due to public pressure, leading to the development of alternatives for this harmful chemical. I call on the FDA to accept my petition and close the door on the use of this chemical in America’s food and beverage packaging and provide assurance that BPA forever will be kept out of our bodies.”

Rep. Markey’s petitions to the FDA, as well as additional information about his work on BPA, including his legislation to ban its use, can be found HERE.