WASHINGTON (February 6, 2013) – Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), the Ranking Member of the Natural Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Interior Department, today released the following statement on the nomination of Sally Jewell to succeed Ken Salazar as the Secretary of Interior:

“Sally Jewel has combined her business acumen with her love of the outdoors to become one of America's top CEOs. She is proof positive that common sense, balanced conservation of our open spaces and natural resources can enrich communities, improve quality of life, and create jobs.

“She will have big boots to fill following the leadership of Ken Salazar, but I am confident she has the skills and passion to be a great leader of our public lands and resources.

“I hope Ms. Jewell is confirmed and look forward to working with her.”

Contact: Eben Burnham-Snyder, Rep. Ed Markey, 202-225-2836