Contact: Eben Burnham-Snyder, Rep. Ed Markey, 202-225-2836

Congressman Continues Calls for Vote on Gun Control Package, Action on Climate Change

WASHINGTON (January 21, 2013) – Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) today reinforced the demands for action on gun control, climate change, and economic opportunity spelled out in President Barack Obama’s inauguration speech.

Below is the statement of Rep. Markey, who last week called for a vote in Congress on the Obama gun control package immediately following the inauguration:

“Today, as we celebrate the spirit of collective action embodied by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and echoed in the words of President Barack Obama, we must recommit ourselves to addressing the great issues of our time with urgency and a spirit of cooperation.

“President Obama’s second term offers an historic opportunity to address the great problems facing our nation – gun violence, climate change, and access to jobs and economic opportunity. We must continue to take the bold action needed to keep the American economy on the right track and provide avenues for people to get back to work.

“As Congress reconvenes tomorrow, I once again call on Republicans to bring President Obama’s gun control reform package to an immediate vote. If we are to ensure the health and safety of future generations, there is no time to waste.

“In the months ahead, we also need to increase pressure on those who continue to thwart action on climate change, which is truly the challenge of this generation.”