Washington (January 8, 2015) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement after California Senator Barbara Boxer announced her decision not to run for reelection in 2016.
“Barbara Boxer is a phenomenal senator, fighting to protect our environment, strengthen our infrastructure and ensure equality for all. Because of her leadership, American families are healthier, our land, air and water are cleaner and our economy is stronger. She has been one of the Senate’s fiercest warriors on the issue of climate change and protecting our planet, and I have been honored to partner with her on the Environment and Public Works, Commerce and Foreign Relations Committees.  Barbara comes from a land of pioneers and she has fearlessly led the way for women in elected office and throughout our society during her entire career. I am so thankful to call her my dear friend, and I wish her and her family all the best in the next chapter of their lives.”