Washington (June 29, 2015) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rule on mercury emissions from power plants. Senator Markey is co-Chair of the Senate Climate Clearinghouse.
“Today, a majority of the Supreme Court came down in favor of polluters’ bottom lines over American lives. During the last decade, the Clean Air Act has worked to improve air quality and save lives, even as the American economy has grown. Our environmental laws are based on the 'polluter pays' principle, but today it’s the health of the American people that could pay as a result of this ruling.
“Today’s ruling gives a long-sought victory to corporate polluters looking to protect their profits, not the public’s health. Unfortunately the long road to regulating mercury will continue. It is dangerous toxic pollutant, and I urge the EPA to immediately reevaluate the rule to protect the health of Americans, especially our children. I will continue to fight any efforts in the Senate to weaken the Clean Air Act, a bedrock law that is helping keep our air clean and the American people healthy.”
