Washington (May 16, 2014) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement commemorating tomorrow’s ten-year anniversary of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruling in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, the decision that made Massachusetts the first state to guarantee marriage equality for all citizens. 


“Today is an historic day for our Commonwealth and our country. Massachusetts has long led the nation in extending equal rights to all of its citizens. Ten years ago, we kept that tradition alive by ensuring all of our citizens, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity, can marry the person they love.


“A decade later, we see that equality works. Since Massachusetts made history, nearly 20 other states have followed our example and guaranteed marriage equality for their citizens. As the whole nation continues to make enormous progress, we remember that it all began with the dedicated families, friends, advocates, and activists in Massachusetts. 


“We celebrate the victories of the past decade, but also look forward to the fights still to come. We are still fighting for a federal law that ends employment discrimination against the LGBTQ community. Around the world, millions of LGBTQ people are still marginalized, vilified, and attacked, simply for who they are. But despite these challenges, we know the LGBTQ community does not shy away from tough fights. America thrives when are all treated equally, and that must be our commitment every day moving forward.”