WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee and a Congressional leader on nuclear safety, released the following statement after Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Greg Jaczko today announced his resignation.
Greg Jaczko has been one of the finest NRC Chairmen in the history of the Commission. His nearly eight years of service has marked a high point in the Commission’s work to ensure the safety and security of our nation’s 104 nuclear reactors. Greg’s leadership, particularly during and since the Fukushima meltdowns, has embodied the Commission’s mission to ensure public safety, transparency and accountability.
“Greg has led a Sisyphean fight against some of the nuclear industry’s most entrenched opponents of strong, lasting safety regulations, often serving as the lone vote in support of much-needed safety upgrades recommended by the Commission’s safety staff. Greg’s dedication is unparalleled, and his vision and accomplishments have set a standard for the Commission and future Chairs. I call upon the White House to nominate a successor with the same dedication, independence and safety record. His shoes will be very hard to fill.
“Greg’s departure is an immeasurable loss for the Commission. I wish him all the best in his future endeavors