Ann Marie Crowell of Massachusetts Lost Son in 1997

WASHINGTON (February 11, 2013) – Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) will bring Massachusetts resident Ann Marie Crowell as his guest to the State of the Union as part of the effort to highlight the need for Congress to pass gun laws that protect America’s kids. Ann Marie lost her son, Brian, to an accidental shooting at a friend’s house on Christmas Eve in 1997. Ann Marie started the advocacy project "Mother on a Mission, Inc." to push for better gun safety practices and policies.

“Brian can’t be with us to advocate for sensible gun laws, but Ann Marie and other moms, dads, family, and friends are continuing the fight to keep our kids safe,” said Rep. Markey. “I am so proud to have Ann Marie here with me to give a personal voice to the cause of gun reform.”

“I am honored to attend the State of the Union with Rep. Ed Markey to keep Brian's memory alive,” said Ann Marie. “It is my mission to raise awareness and hopefully prevent another family from having to go through the heartache of losing and burying their child. Common sense gun safety practices will save lives.”

Rep. Markey has called on House Republicans to bring President Obama’s gun control reform package to an immediate vote. He has a long-standing history of pushing for gun control and safety, including his successful work in 1994 to have President Bill Clinton ban hundreds of thousands of cheap assault weapons from being imported from China. Rep. Markey also introduced legislation earlier this year to end the ban on federal funding for gun violence research.


Contact: Eben Burnham-Snyder, Rep. Ed Markey, 202-225-2836