Contact: Giselle Barry (Markey) 2022242742

New study from CDC indicates prohibiting sales of flavored product has potential to reduce prevalence of youth tobacco use

Washington (October 22, 1013) - Senator Edward J. Markey (DMass.), a member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, issued the following statement after the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released new data showing the increased use of flavored cigarettes and little cigars among middle and high school students. 

"Today's study from the CDC showing that more than 40 percent of kids in middle and high school who smoke have smoked flavored tobacco products highlights that children are still a frequent target of Big Tobacco. Kids are tricked into thinking that these bubblegum, fruit and candied flavored cigars are sweet treats, when in fact they serve merely as a gateway to tobacco addiction, putting them on a path to serious diseases and premature death. The Obama administration should act quickly to exercise regulatory authority over these products and act to protect our youth from these dangerous marketing ploys."