Reports Indicate Company Hiring Replacement Workers at Higher Rate

WASHINGTON (February 13, 2013) – Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) today expressed concern over the grocery chain Stop & Shop’s reported hiring of replacement workers, and at a higher wage than unionized workers, in the company’s ongoing negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement with Stop & Shop employees and the United Food & Commercial Workers.

In a letter sent to Stop & Shop COO James McCann, Rep. Markey said that with many Stop & Shop employees living in his Congressional district, he found news reports of the company’s plans to hire replacement workers and pay them a higher wage than unionized employees “troublesome.” Instead, Rep. Markey asks that the company “hew to its reputation as an employer that cares for the economic well-being of its employees” and “seek resolution in the current negotiations in a manner that is consistent with the company’s strong reputation as a labor-friendly workplace.”

The full letter can be found HERE.

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