Massachusetts will be receiving several Clean School Bus Awards to serve the school districts of Boston, Fall River, New Bedford and Worcester.

Boston (January 8, 2023) - Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) announced that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is awarding Massachusetts funding for 85 electric school buses under the Clean Bus Grant Program to help school districts replace polluting diesel school buses with electric or low-emission school buses. 

“This new funding for clean school buses from the Biden administration is going to help keep our communities and children safe from pollution, while creating a more livable future for Massachusetts residents and Americans all across this country,” said Senator Markey. “We fought hard to include this funding in the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and I thank the EPA for enabling Massachusetts to continue down the road to cleaner air.”

"After years of fighting for investments in clean energy, I'm glad that we are able to deliver federal funding for a fleet of new electric school buses in Massachusetts," said Senator Warren. "With this funding, we can reduce health risks from air pollution, boost domestic manufacturing while creating good-paying jobs in the process, and fight the climate crisis for the next generation. This is a big win for our communities, and I will keep fighting for more of these investments."

Massachusetts will be receiving several Clean School Bus Awards to serve the school districts of Boston, Fall River, New Bedford and Worcester.
