Members of congressional delegation recently urged release of critical energy aid for families in need

Washington, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey, along with Congressmen Bill Keating and Joe Kennedy III applauded today's release of an additional $14,806,664 of Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds for families in Massachusetts. With this second release, 99 percent of FY 2016 formula funds will have been provided to grantees.  The remaining one percent is being held back pending final agency-wide budget decisions by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Warren, Markey, Keating, and Kennedy recently wrote to the HHS expressing concern over the delayed release of the remaining 2016 LIHEAP funding, and urged the agency to make it available as soon as possible.

"Additional LIHEAP funding will make a real difference for families across our Commonwealth who depend on federal aid to help cover their energy costs," Senator Warren said. "LIHEAP is a key part of ensuring the well-being of Massachusetts families, and I'm committed to fighting alongside the other members of the congressional delegation to protect and strengthen this important program."

"LIHEAP funding is a lifeline for many families in Massachusetts and around the nation. I am pleased that the administration responded to the call made by our federal delegation and finally released the remaining funds for this year," Senator Markey said. "I will continue to fight to fully fund this vital program that protects hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts households each year."

"As a late season storm is expected for our region, it's important this LIHEAP funding has finally been released," said Congressman Keating.  "Not only will it help residents, it will also alleviate staffing concerns for organizations who provide energy assistance to our most vulnerable populations.  Now, it's critical that these resources reach those in our communities who need them most as soon as possible."

"LIHEAP funding helps our most vulnerable families afford their energy bills during the brutal cold and sweltering heat," said Congressman Kennedy. "As our region battles skyrocketing energy rates, ensuring the health of our constituents is never at risk because they can't afford heat is absolutely critical. I thank my colleagues for their tireless advocacy for this cause and will continue to stand by their side as we defend this program in the future."


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