Washington (March 4, 2024) - Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Congressman Bill Keating (MA-09) released the following statement on the inclusion of $350 million in federal funding for the Cape Cod Bridges in the Fiscal Year 2024 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, which the Senate and House Appropriations committee released yesterday:

“We are pleased to have secured $350 million in the fiscal 2024 appropriations bills for the Cape Cod Bridges project. This funding is another major step towards replacing the aging Sagamore and Bourne bridges and delivering much-needed federal investment to Cape Cod, the Islands, and the surrounding region. We are grateful for Senate Appropriations Chair Patty Murray for prioritizing the Bridges and appreciate the ongoing partnership of Governor Healey and the Biden administration to make this project a reality.”

The funding matches a request from President Joe Biden in his FY24 budget to provide an initial $350 million for the Bridges project, toward a total commitment of $600 million for the Bridges, and builds on the $372 million grant that the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded Massachusetts in December for the replacement of the Cape Cod Bridges.

In February 2023, Senator Markey led the Massachusetts delegation in a letter to Michael Connor, Assistant Secretary for Civil Works at the Army Corps, and Shalanda Young, Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, urging the Corps to request hundreds of millions of dollars in its fiscal 2024 budget to replace the Cape Cod Bridges. After the Corps requested $350 million for the Bridges project in its fiscal 2024 budget, Senators Markey and Warren sent letters, in March 2023 and February 2024, to U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development Interim Chair Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Ranking Member John Kennedy (R-La.) urging them to include the $350 million for the Cape Cod Bridges in the Fiscal Year 2024 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act.
