BOSTON – Senators John Kerry and Scott Brown, along with Representatives Edward Markey, James McGovern, Niki Tsongas and John Olver, today announced that Massachusetts will receive $44,749,996 for major repairs to roads damaged by last summer’s deadly tornadoes and by Hurricane Irene.  The funding, provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration, will help repair and reconstruct federal highways, restore key lanes to ease traffic, and reconstruct roads that suffered serious damage as a result of the extreme weather conditions that hit Massachusetts in June and August.
“The summer's tornadoes and Hurricane Irene packed a double wallop, and it still shows in the damage to our roads, bridges, and infrastructure. You don't bounce back from that kind of severe weather on the cheap,” said Sen. Kerry. “This money will double down on the ongoing rebuilding efforts and get roads fixed, traffic moving, and people back to work.”
"Through all the devastating weather that struck last year, communities across Massachusetts remained vigilant in their recovery and rebuilding efforts,” said Sen. Brown. “As families and businesses continue dealing with the aftermath of the storms, this highway funding is welcome news and will go a long way in covering the cost of the extensive repairs we needed."
"Thanks to this funding, Massachusetts and the 7th District will be able to repair our roads and highways after the devastation of Hurricane Irene,” said Rep. Markey. “Maintaining safe and reliable infrastructure helps to create jobs and ensure a healthy economy for Massachusetts families and workers." ?

“Massachusetts has been hit with some very severe weather recently, and we’ve seen the impact on our aging infrastructure,” Rep. McGovern said. “I’m very pleased that the DoT is making these funds available.”
“Hurricane Irene caused damage across our region and state and this federal funding will help provide the resources necessary to restore our highways to safe conditions,” said Rep. Tsongas. “This is exactly the role the federal government can and should be playing to help communities struggling to recover from natural disasters like this one – especially during such a difficult economic period – and my office stands ready to support any eligible communities in the 5th District who apply for these funds.”
"Anyone who drove on our roadways in the aftermath of the tornado and tropical storm Irene witnessed firsthand the immensity of the damage. This critical federal funding reimburses Massachusetts for the costly road repairs that were made to restore traffic flow," said Rep. Olver. "I want to thank MA Secretary of Transportation Rich Davey and his team for making Route 2 a top priority and for delivering on his promise to reopen this roadway by December 15.”
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