Washington, D.C. - Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), dean of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation and former senior member of the Homeland Security Committee, issued the following statement upon announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden.

“This announcement, only a few months before the 10th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks, is an enormous milestone in our country's efforts to combat terrorism. It is a testament to the courageous and relentless work of the brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe overseas and here at home.
“Osama Bin Laden was the face of terror against the United States, the personification of the horror of the September 11th attacks. With the life of one of world history's most evil figures now extinguished, hopefully a measure of relief and healing can come to the families and loved ones of his victims. We will never forget those who perished on 9-11, including those on the two hijacked planes from Logan Airport that crashed into the World Trade Center Towers.
“As our nation moves forward, we must remain vigilant and continue our efforts to detect and deter attacks from al Qaeda and its affiliates around the world.”
