WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Malden) congratulated Filmmakers Collaborative, a non-profit association of local independent documentary filmmakers, on its receipt of an $80,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The grant will fund the production of a pair of documentary films on the life and work of two American artistic giants of the 20th century: playwright Lorraine Hansberry and music legend Johnny Cash.

In a letter congratulating the Collaborative, Congressman Markey wrote: “The Filmmakers Collaborative is part of the rich collective of local art organizations that enrich our lives, unite our communities, and create jobs in Massachusetts. I am proud of our District’s role as a leader in the innovation and creative industries. In the years to come, I will remain committed as always to supporting the arts and ensuring critical funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, which makes these grants possible.”

The National Endowment for the Arts was established by Congress in 1965, and has awarded more than $4 billion to support artistic development for individuals and communities. The NEA awarded more than 225 grants and over $7.3 million in arts education funding across the country as part of the Arts Endowment’s Learning in the Arts funding stream. Grants from the NEA generate, on average, six dollars from non-federal sources for each dollar awarded.

Additionally this week, Rep. Markey congratulated Christine Lung of Lexington, the 2011 winner of the Massachusetts 7th District’s annual Congressional Art Competition. The competition invites local high school students to submit their original artwork for a chance to represent the 7th District in Washington, D.C. The winning submission is chosen through a highly competitive process by an independent panel of local art experts, and is placed on display in the Capitol for a full year. Lung will travel to Washington in June for a reception honoring high school artists from congressional districts across the country. The runner-up submissions are displayed in the Congressman’s Medford District Office for the year. Rep. Markey is proud to participate in this effort to foster the growth of developing artists, and will continue to support funding for arts programs for students across the 7th District and the country. 



Rep. Markey congratulated Christine Lung of Lexington, the 2011 winner of the Massachusetts 7th District’s annual Congressional Art Competition