Lawmaker to outline legislative proposals, executive action to address speculators, OPEC manipulations and Republican ‘Oil Above All’ agenda

WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 26, 2011) – With regular gasoline now averaging $3.88 per gallon across the United States, escalating gas prices could be the difference between an economy that continues to recover and an economy that sinks back into recession. The major oil companies are expected this week to announce record-breaking profits, yet the rest of America is suffering pain at the pump as a result of speculators, Middle East unrest, and Republican efforts to block clean energy legislation that would help get the country off foreign oil and end subsidies for oil companies.
Tomorrow, Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), will outline a strategy to deploy and enhance the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve to provide short-term relief from rising gas prices. Additionally, Rep. Markey will push for an end to 100-year old tax breaks for oil companies, and for a strategy toward clean energy solutions and away from foreign oil.
WHAT: Press conference pushing strategy to address rising gas prices

WHO: Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Ranking Member, Natural Resources Committee and senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee

WHEN: Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 1 PM

WHERE: Medford Getty Gas Station, 85 Main Street, Medford, MA

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