Senator has introduced legislation to prevent prescription drug and heroin addiction, expand access to addiction treatment and recovery services


Washington (July 7, 2015) – New data out today from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that heroin use is increasing in almost every demographic of the country, including the doubling of heroin use by women and more than doubling among non-Hispanic whites. The data also reports that those non-medically using prescription painkillers were 40 times more likely to have heroin abuse or dependence, underscoring the recognition that the opioid epidemic is fueled by prescription painkillers that are leading to heroin addiction and overdoses.


Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement:


“Heroin and prescription drug addiction is an equal opportunity destroyer of lives and families. It strikes without regard to gender, race, socio-economic status or geography. Last year in Massachusetts, we experienced more than one thousand deaths from prescription drug and heroin overdoses. If we don’t act now, we could lose an entire generation of people – to addiction, to the streets, to jail or to death. We need to devote the attention and the resources at all levels of government to combat this crisis that is now leading to as many deaths as from gun violence and motor vehicles accidents.”


More information on Senator Markey’s education initiatives can be found HERE. More information on his prevention efforts can be found HERE. More information Senator Markey’s effort to expand treatment can be found HERE

