Today Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman and Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Ed Markey released a new report that provides an updated analysis of the anti-environment record of the House of Representatives in the 112th Congress. In 2011 and in the first half of 2012, the Republican-controlled House voted 247 times to dismantle environmental and public health protections.

“House Republicans are putting the interests of oil companies and other big polluters over the health and safety of Americans and their families,” said Rep. Waxman.  “They have voted to reverse decades of efforts to ensure that families have clean air to breath and clean water to drink.  They have voted to deny the science of climate change, defund investments in clean energy, and open vast areas to new oil drilling.  The assault on the environment has been relentless and reckless and would make our country more polluted and less productive.”

With the Olympics just around the corner, House Republicans will soon set another world record in anti-environmentalist votes,” said Rep. Markey.  “This week, the GOP will hold one of the largest fire sales of America’s taxpayer-owned land in history while attacking the bedrock environmental laws that protect our water, our air, and our people.”

The report, prepared by the Democratic staff of the Energy and Commerce Committee, found that the House averaged one anti-environmental vote for every day the House was in session in 2011 and in the first half of 2012.  Nearly one in five of the 1,100 legislative roll call votes thus far this Congress – 19% – were votes to undermine environmental protection.

The report also found that the oil and gas industry has been the largest beneficiary of this anti-environment record in the House.  The House has voted 109 times on legislation that would enrich the oil and gas industry.  This includes 45 votes to weaken environmental, public health, and safety requirements applicable to the oil industry, 38 votes to prevent deployment of clean energy alternatives, and 12 votes to expedite review of the Keystone XL pipeline.

The full report is available here.

A comprehensive list of all anti-environment votes in the 112th Congress is available here.  A list of all votes related to the oil and gas industry is available online here

The updated legislative database of anti-environment votes is available here.