WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) will join Democratic House and Senate Members and Clean Energy Advocates at a press conference Wednesday, November 2, to call for the Super Committee to end tax loopholes and subsidies for Big Oil as part of a plan to reduce the nation’s deficit.   
WHAT: Capitol Hill press conference to call on Super Committee to end tax loopholes and subsidies for Big Oil

Andrew Sharpless, CEO, Oceana, an international ocean conservation group
Debbie Sease, National Campaign Director, Sierra Club
Senator Menendez
Senator Lautenberg
Senator Boxer
Senator Reed
Senator Merkley
Senator Whitehouse
Congressman Markey
Congressman Blumenauer
Congressman Moran
Congressman Garamendi
Congressman Keating

WHEN: Wednesday, November 2, 12 noon to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Upper Senate Park, “Senate Swamp”
                  200 New Jersey Avenue, adjacent to the Russell Senate Office Building