Long-time Environment and Energy Leader to Continue Push for Energy Jobs and Environmental Protections


WASHINGTON (November 10, 2010) – Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) today announced he will pursue the ranking member position on the Natural Resources Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. As one of Congress’s leaders on energy and environment issues, Rep. Markey cited as reasons for seeking the position the need to create jobs in the energy sector, especially clean energy, and to fight against possible attacks against bedrock environmental protections for America’s land, water, air and threatened species. Rep. Markey has served on the committee since 1976.


“The stakes have never been higher for creating new energy jobs, protecting our environment, and increasing our national security by properly managing our own natural resources,” said Rep. Markey. “Now is not the time to capitulate to an agenda that will allow China and the rest of the world to win the clean energy jobs race, all at the expense of the planet. Following the largest oil spill in our nation’s history, it is imperative that we have a cop on the beat policing the oil industry.”

Rep. Markey has a long history of legislative accomplishments in energy and environment issues. He is the House author of the fuel economy standards in the 2007 energy bill, co-author of the clean energy and climate bill that passed the House in 2009, and several energy efficiency bills.

During his tenure in the Natural Resources Committee, Rep. Markey has authored or co-authored many pieces of legislation. Examples include:

--Legislation to ensure American taxpayers receive a fair return on oil, gas and other minerals produced on federal lands.

--Legislation following the BP oil spill to ensure that this type of disaster never happens again.

--Legislation to reduce the federal deficit by recovering up to $53 billion dollars in lost royalty payments from oil companies who are drilling for free offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.

--Legislation to promote renewable energy development while protecting our environment.

--Legislation to protect our nation’s most important natural treasures such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and Georges Bank off the coast of New England.

Rep. Markey is the most senior member on the Natural Resources Committee who has not served as chair or ranking member of that committee, or of another committee.

Rep. Markey will keep his senior status on the Energy and Commerce Committee, but intends to relinquish his right to serve as ranking member of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee in the next Congress.

  A full copy of his letter can be found HERE


