Self-Extinguishing Technology Could Help Prevent Fires, Damage

Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), today sent letters to two major cigarette makers urging them to follow the lead of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco and use “fire-safe” technology in all their cigarette brands. In the last Congress, Rep. Markey authored H.R. 1850, a bill to set a national “self-extinguishing” standard for cigarettes to help prevent an estimated 700-900 deaths, thousands of injuries and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages caused by cigarette-ignited fires every year.

“It’s commonly known that cigarette smoking is a leading cause of preventable death in our nation, but it’s less well known that cigarettes are also the leading cause of fatal fires. Self-extinguishing technology will help prevent hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars in damage. It’s a common sense solution, and Altria and Lorillard should follow the lead of R.J. Reynolds.,” said Rep. Markey, a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce.

Rep. Markey’s letters to the Altria Group and Lorillard Tobacco Company cite R. J. Reynolds’ recent announcement that it would manufacture all of its cigarette brands using “fire-safe” technology. Together the three companies account for the vast majority of cigarette production in the United States.

“Given R.J. Reynolds’ decision, the nation’s other major cigarette manufacturers now have a chance to take voluntarily action. As they determine their next steps, I am considering whether or not to re-introduce my legislation establishing a national fire-safe cigarette standard,” added Rep. Markey.

For almost five years, fire service, public health advocates, university schools of public health, and political leaders across the county have been pushing state legislatures for adoption of legislation mandating the sale of fire-safe cigarettes. As a result 22 states have passed fire-safe cigarette laws.

The letter is available HERE.

November 13, 2007

CONTACT: Jessica Schafer, 202.225.2836