WASHINGTON, D.C. – This evening the House of Representatives will vote to change the direction of President Bush’s failed Iraq policy. Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), who authored legislation to stop the so-called “surge” of U.S. troops in Iraq earlier this year, will support H.R. 4156, the Orderly and Responsible Iraq Redeployment Appropriations Act of 2008.

“We must bring this disastrous war in Iraq to an end. The president is either unwilling or unable to realize how destructive his policies have become. When he vetoes a 2% increase in funding for education and health care programs while at the same time requesting another $200 billion more for his failed war in Iraq, the president’s flawed priorities are plain for all to see. His $200 billion war spending request would bring the total cost for fighting in Iraq to nearly half a trillion dollars – so far – with no end in sight,” said Rep. Markey.

“President Bush’s refusal to change course in Iraq is shocking, his failure to allow adequate rest for our soldiers between tours of duty is outrageous, and his demand for another $200 billion blank check for his war in Iraq while vetoing home heating funds for the poor, education for disadvantaged children, Pell Grants for college students, and research into cures for life threatening disease is simply unacceptable to this House. What a misplaced set of priorities!”

H.R. 4156 would:
• Require the redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq to begin within 30 days of enactment, with a target for completion of December 15, 2008;
• Require a transition in the mission of U.S. forces in Iraq from primarily combat to: force protection and diplomatic protection; limited support to Iraqi security forces; and targeted counterterrorism operations;
• Prohibit deployment of any troops not fully equipped and trained; waivable with a presidential national security certification;
• Provide just $50 billion to meet the immediate needs of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The bill also contains language originally authored by Rep. Markey to prohibit any funds from being used for the gruesome and indefensible practice of “extraordinary rendition.” Through the use of extraordinary rendition, as well as abusive interrogation techniques and extrajudicial incarceration of so-called “enemy combatants,” President Bush has largely forfeited the mantel of human rights champion which the United States has carried for so long.

“On this vote, my colleagues must make a choice; will they stand with President Bush’s attempt to throw more money and more young men and women into the mess in Iraq, or will they join with Democrats seeking a bipartisan agreement on redeploying American troops out of Iraq? I hope they will stand with the majority of American people, and chose to bring our troops home,” concluded Rep. Markey.

November 14, 2007

CONTACT: Jessica Schafer, 202.225.2836