WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA) released the following statement today in support of the RESTORE Act, H.R. 3773, to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act:

“The RESTORE Act, will advance national security and abide by constitutional protections when surveillance is necessary to thwart attacks against our country . President Bush and Republicans in Congress want the American people to believe that we must sacrifice either our security or our constitutional rights. But that is simply a false choice, and the RESTORE Act proves it. The intelligence community will have every tool necessary to protect Americans and pursue terrorists, and Americans will be assured that an independent court is involved every step of the way when surveillance will either target or incidentally sweep up Americans’ communications.

“While we still haven’t gotten to the bottom of President Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program, Congress must investigate and rein in this program and reform the foreign intelligence surveillance process. Retroactive immunity to corporations who cooperated with the warrantless wiretapping program should only be considered once Congress and the public learn the full truth about this program and any violation of Americans’ constitutional rights.

“Since the warrantless wiretapping program was uncovered almost two years ago, the White House has insisted it should be allowed, essentially, to go fishing without a license. Today’s legislation to strengthen the civil liberties safeguards surrounding surveillance strikes the appropriate balance between homeland security and the privacy protections enshrined in the Constitution.”

November 15, 2007

CONTACT: Jessica Schafer, 202.225.2836