WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), one of the leading voices opposing the proposed AT&T – T-Mobile merger released the following statement after Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski announced his intentions to seek a Commission vote referring the proposed merger for a hearing before a judge for further review. Chairman Genachowski’s action follows the Justice Department’s lawsuit in August to block the deal.

“By taking action today, Chairman Genachowski is making clear he has serious concerns about the so-called benefits to the public interest of the proposed AT&T – T-Mobile merger. I have concerns that if this merger happens, it would result in the greatest concentration of wireless services in history, undermining choice and competition. This deal would strike a devastating blow to wireless services, driving up prices for consumers, discouraging investment in new technologies and stifling innovation that will help America win in the global marketplace.”
