Markey Bill Protecting Social Security Numbers Moving Through Congress

According to a new Federal Trade Commission (FTC) survey of identity theft, 8.3 million Americans experienced identity theft in 2005. Representative Edward J. Markey (D-MA), co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Congressional Privacy Caucus, is the author of legislation, along with Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), to strengthen protection for consumers against the fraudulent sale and purchase of Social Security numbers, a key element of identity fraud.

Rep. Markey’s bill, H.R. 948, the Social Security Number Protection Act of 2007, was passed by the Energy and Commerce Committee in May. The bill is now being prepared for a vote by the full House of Representatives.

Rep. Markey said, “In the age of the Internet, Social Security numbers have evolved into a ubiquitous personal identification number, and unfortunately the unregulated sale and purchase of these numbers is fueling a growing range of crimes, including fraud, identity theft, and, tragically, stalking and even murders.

“A simple Internet search turns up dozens of web sites that offer to provide, for a fee, Social Security numbers belonging to other citizens, or to link up a Social Security number that you might have with a name, address and telephone number. Today’s important FTC report reinforces the rationale for swift action to strengthen the safeguards surrounding Social Security Numbers.”

H.R. 948 would give the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) the authority to restrict the sale and purchase of Social Security numbers, determine appropriate exemptions, and to enforce civil compliance with the bill’s restrictions. The bill establishes privacy safeguards while also permitting limited exceptions to the purchase and sale of Social Security Numbers for purposes of law enforcement, in emergency situations to protect the health or safety of an individual and for similar commonsense situations.

More information about the FTC report can be found here:

November 27, 2007

CONTACT: Jessica Schafer, 202.225.2836