WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Malden), dean of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation, released the following statement upon the announcement of Congressman Barney Frank’s retirement.
Congressman Barney Frank is an historic figure. He is a legislative giant whose accomplishments in Congress touch every important issue in our nation. Barney’s tireless, strong defense of the poor, the vulnerable, and the forgotten in our society is legendary. Barney is an extremely powerful voice for the voiceless, and he always reaches out to those in need. He combines the incredible commitment to progressive causes with a mastery of the legislative process. With a rapier wit and unparalleled command of legislation, Barney Frank is a phenomenal member of Congress.  Barney has been my friend for 40 years – I will miss him greatly and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.”