WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a longstanding proponent of net neutrality and author of the first ever net neutrality bill, issued the following statement in response to reports that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) may consider a net neutrality proposal later this year:

It is my hope that the Commission will act this year to ensure that the Internet retains the features of openness and non-discrimination that have made it the most successful communications and commercial medium in history. Preservation of a free and open Internet is essential to protect consumers, spur investment, foster innovation and promote the free flow of ideas. The Commission should resist attempts to permit paid prioritization on the Internet, which would undermine its success, favoring certain content providers to the detriment of other content creators unable or unwilling to pay. Likewise, exclusion of wireless services from open Internet requirements could widen the digital divide by establishing a substandard, less open experience for traditionally underserved regions and demographic groups that may need to access the Internet on a mobile device. Wireless is the future of broadband and accordingly should be included under net neutrality requirements. I look forward to working with the Commissions in the future on this vitally important issue.”
