WASHINGTON, D.C. – 29 members of Congress urged the chair and ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to maintain a House-passed provision, requiring a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) of the security challenges arising from global warming, in the final version of the Intelligence Authorization Act. The provision was derived from a bill by Representatives Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD), the Global Climate Change Security Oversight Act, H.R. 1961.

“As Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize last week highlighted, the fight against global warming is not just a huge environmental issue, it is a matter affecting the prospect of war or peace for many regions of the world. Conducting this NIE will be an important step towards getting America's intelligence and defense community to think clearly about the security and political implications that global warming could have for us in the 21st century,” said Rep. Markey, chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

“This letter initiated with my friend Congressman Markey and signed by 27 bipartisan colleagues reinforces the importance to the leaders of the Conference on the Intelligence Authorization of including a National Intelligence Estimate of the impact of climate change on U.S. national and economic security. Climate change is happening and 11 retired three and four-star Generals and Admirals warn that climate change is a threat-multiplier in many areas of the world with significant consequences for U.S. and world security and impact for our foreign and military policies. An NIE is a key planning tool and is supported by a bipartisan majority of House Members. It also has strong bipartisan support in the Senate,” said Rep. Bartlett.

The provision which Reps. Markey, Bartlett and 27 other member of Congress are supporting was approved by the House of Representatives in the face of a direct challenge. During floor debate on May 10th over the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, an amendment was offered to strike Section 407. That amendment failed by a vote of 185-230, showing the strong support of the House of Representatives for this critical provision.

Letter to House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes and Ranking Member Peter Hoekstra available HERE.

October 19, 2007

CONTACT: Jessica Schafer, 202.225.2836
Eben Burnham-Snyder (Select Committee), 202.225.4081
Lisa Wright (Bartlett, 202.225.2721