WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), dean of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation, released the following statement after President Obama announced the withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq by the end of the year.
“Today President Obama has delivered on his pledge to the American people that all U.S. combat troops will be removed from Iraq by the end of the year. This will bring us finally to the end of an eight-year conflict that has cost thousands of lives, billions of dollars, and caused untold damage.

“Our nation honors the sacrifice and service of all of the warriors who served in Iraq. They fought bravely, under difficult circumstances, and they deserve the permanent thanks of the American people as they now return home to their families and their loved ones. We also remember especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

“For the returning troops from the Greatest Generation who won World War II, Congress enacted the GI Bill that promised an education and opportunity for homeownership.  This served as a foundation for prosperity for American families and our economy.  America once again must ensure a smooth transition back to civilian life for our returning soldiers. I was honored to visit with our troops in Iraq last spring, and I thanked them for their service. The greatest thanks we can now give our heroes and their families is to pass the Obama job creation plan so those who sacrificed so much overseas get the help they’ve earned finding good jobs here at home.”
