Lawmaker is author of Ban Poisonous Additives Act of 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), released the following statement today after new research from scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that girls who are exposed to bisphenol A (BPA) while in the womb may develop behavior problems as children. Previous research has found that BPA leaches from containers into food and beverages and has been linked to cancer, reproductive dysfunction and heart disease. Studies also have found that many commercially available plastic resins and products, including baby bottles and other products advertised as BPA- free, release chemicals having hormone activity, similar to BPA.
Pregnant mothers should not have to worry whether they’re eating food contaminated by BPA-containing cans that could poison an unborn child,” said. Rep. Markey. “This study provides yet more scientific evidence that we need to remove BPA from all food and beverage containers. I have introduced the ‘Ban Poisonous Additives Act’ to keep BPA out of our bodies while also ensuring that all food and beverage containers are free from dangerous chemicals. It is clear that BPA poses serious health risks, and it is time for Congress to act quickly to ban this toxin from all food and beverage containers.
For the past three Congresses, Rep. Markey has led the fight to ban BPA from all food and beverage containers by introducing the “Ban Poisonous Additives Act ”. Specifically, Rep. Markey’s legislation will:
    •    Ban reusable food and beverage containers (e.g., baby bottles and thermoses) and other food containers (e.g., canned food and formula) that contain BPA from being sold or introduced into commerce.
    •    Allow the FDA to issue one-year waivers to the ban for particular food or beverage containers if there is no technology available to contain that particular product without the use of BPA.
    •    Require manufactures that receive a waiver to the BPA ban to submit a plan for how it intends to comply with the ban in the future and to label containers with an indication that BPA was used.
    •    Require the FDA to review substances that have been previously approved to manufacture food and beverage containers and to limit the use of any substance FDA determines may pose health risks, based on new scientific information.