Congressman receives praise for social media, educating and engaging constituents online
WASHINGTON (October 26, 2011) – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, was honored this week by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) for having both one of the best Member office websites in Congress as well as one of the best committee websites.
His personal office website , was one of 55 House of Representatives Member websites to be recognized with an “A” grade, and the new Democratic Natural Resources website , which launched just weeks before judging, was the top-placing Democratic committee website, and one of only 16 committee sites to be recognized. Congressman Markey is one of only six members who had both the personal office and committee websites honored.
My goal has always been to create and maintain websites that make the federal government more accessible and transparent to my constituents and Americans across the country,” said Rep. Markey, dean of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation. “I am proud that these websites continue to break new ground while helping constituents navigate the federal bureaucracy, empowering everyone to get more involved in the decision making process in Washington D.C.
CMF, a non-profit, non-partisan management consulting and research organization in Washington, D.C., created the awards in 2001 to recognize and honor the best use of online communications in Congress.
“Winning awards for both his personal office and his committee website proves that Rep. Markey places a premium on using the internet to educate, connect and listen to his constituents,” said Bradford Fitch, President and CEO of CMF. “In the 21st Century, a website is much more than a broadcasting tool for a political message - it's a virtual office and a window into our democratic institutions.”
A full copy of the 2011 Gold Mouse Report is available HERE .
Rep. Markey’s personal office website allows constituents to send questions and concerns directly to the Congressman, gather information or request assistance with federal agencies, ask for a tour of White House, order a flag flown over the Capitol, or locate applications for Congressional internships and military academy nominations. The website also features Rep. Markey’s social media outlets which he utilizes regularly to stay connected with his constituents. You can follow Rep. Markey on Twitter , Facebook , and YouTube .
The new Natural Resources Democratic website also is heavy on social media tools and features interactive maps detailing America’s clean energy resources, federal lands, wildlife areas and native lands. In an effort to promote and protect our National Parks, the website asks users to post and share their photos from America’s natural treasures.   
Congressman Markey’s previous committee website, the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming , was among the highest awarded websites in all of Congress. Winning the Golden Dot Award for best website in all of Government, multiple Mouse Awards, a Pollie Award, an international design award as well as an honor by the Webby Awards.  This spring, that website's BP oil “spillcam” received a Tribeca Film Award.