BOSTON – U.S. Senator John Kerry and Congressman Ed Markey today announced that Massachusetts will receive $2,325,836 to restore the site of the former General Motors plant in Framingham.

The funding comes from a $773 million trust set up by General Motors that will be divided among fourteen states containing such sites, two thirds of which are known to be contaminated with hazardous waste.  The new trust will be the largest and most inclusive environmental trust in the United States.

“This will create jobs now and protect the environment and help develop business tomorrow,” said Sen. Kerry.

“I'm pleased that the Obama Administration and Attorney General Coakley have been successful in securing funding needed to help ensure that hazardous materials at the site of the old GM plant in Framingham don’t pose a threat to the public,” said Rep. Markey, adding, “GM has a responsibility to the community to ensure that the site remains capped and  subject to ongoing monitoring.”

“We’re happy to have a path forward that addresses the needs of former auto communities,” said Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson “This trust − the largest environmental trust in our history – provides support for aggressive environmental cleanups at these sites, which will create jobs today and benefit the environment and human health over the long-term.”

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